Moving to the UK: 7 Reasons For and Against Making the Move

Aussies in the UK moving to the UK

Moving to the UK is a big decision many people think about. For some people it is easy. However, for many others they will be undecided or continually delaying the decision. To be fair, it is a big move which ultimately will have a huge impact on your life so it does deserve some thought. Here are some pros and cons for moving to the UK to help you make your decision.

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go To The UK

Let’s get started with the bad..


UK winters are cold and gloomy, and there is icy slush everywhere. The hardest things about living in the UK through the winter are the lack of sunlight and the frequent drizzly rain. There are also a lot less travel options then in the Summer.

Expensive rent

This is mostly seen in London where rent is very expensive and rental accommodation is competitive. There is a reason why there are many people living in share houses together and each person is renting a shoe box bedroom. Luckily rents do decrease significantly outside London.

No asian food

When you arrive in the UK you will soon realise there are limited options and quality when it comes to Asian food (except Indian food). There are usually several Asian restaurants in major cities but even in London I found there was limited choices. When I first went back to Australia, one of the first things I did was do a food marathon eating at all the local Thai, Vietnamese, Cantonese and Korean restaurants.

If you are getting food cravings for Asian food in London, I recommend Kanada Ya and Goldmine. Tayyabs is also great for Punjabi food. If you are still missing Asian food then I suggest you fly over to Germany.

Exploring the countryside requires a car

England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland have some of the most beautiful countryside on the planet. They also have a huge number of castles, historic sites and national parks to visit. Unfortunately the best way to explore these countries is by car. This means you will need to either buy a car, rent a car for a longer period or make friends with people who have cars. There is a train network but it is expensive, slow and does not go everywhere.

Family and friends

While you are over the other side of the world life continues back home. Most of my Aussie friends in the UK regularly called Mum, Dad and the rest of the fam. However, you may miss weddings, baby showers and other important events.


The beaches in the UK are mostly stony and the ones I visited were quite windy too. The water is also freezing. Cornwall arguably offers the best of UK’s beaches but they are still nowhere near as good as Australia’s beaches. We are spoiled here in Australia!

Tap water in London

The tap water in London is safe to drink but it is also the hardest water you will ever drink. There’s so much calcium in it that your kettle and taps will go white. The water can also affect people with sensitive hair.

7 Reasons Why You Should Go To The UK

Now for the good..


move to the UK Barcelona Aussies in the UK

Living in the UK allows you to easily and cheaply travel to many different places both in the UK and abroad in Europe and northern Africa. Some say moving to the UK and travelling around Europe for 1-2 years is a once in a lifetime experience and they would all be right.

It’s also worth noting if you happen to be in your 20s or 30s, the type of travel you will do now will be very different from the type of travel you will do when you are older. Both are good but you are only young once and it is much easier and cheaper to travel during this time.

You could go hiking in Romania, canyoning in Slovenia, island hopping through the Greek islands, partying at party hostels or backpacking all across Europe. You will also be more likely to meet interesting people from all walks of life during your travels.

Health care

When you live in the UK on a Youth Mobility Scheme Visa you will also be able to access the National Health Service (NHS). The NHS provides free consults with doctors and free hospital treatments. It also provides subsidised dentist, optometrist and prescription fees amongst other things. There may be long wait times but ultimately this is a free service which is fantastic.


The UK lifestyle is very good. There is always something to do especially in London where weekends are busy with markets, shows and events. Everything in the UK is relatively close too so you will have many different options for weekend trips and getaways.

History and Culture

You will live in a country with a very long and rich history. The museums are great, castle hunting is fun and you can even visit, arguably, the oldest pub in England, Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem which is built into Nottingham castle’s rock wall.


It depends on the type of work you do but jobs in the UK can be quite well paying which doubled with the currency conversion can be a sweet deal. Gone are the days when you could work in the UK for two years and save a deposit for a house in Australia. However, you can still earn a fair bit. Job salaries are typically higher in London as well but this is mostly to compensate for the much higher cost of living here.


It needs to be said that the English really know how to run awesome pubs. There are lots of them with interesting décor, cosy interiors, a wide variety of beers and other drinks, and very tasty food especially the Sunday Roast. The pubs are also packed and there’s a great atmosphere at most of them. In winter they are a perfect place to hang out.

Christmas markets

moving to the UK christmas markets Aussies in the UK

As someone who lives in the Southern Hemisphere it is a great experience to have Christmas in winter. One big part of the Christmas celebrations in the UK and Europe are the annual Christmas markets. These are big Christmas themed markets with mulled wine, hot chocolate and all sorts of fun things to do. Every market is different and there are a wide variety of stalls. The Bath Christmas markets, Birmingham Christmas markets and Winter Wonderland in London are all worth visiting. There are also amazing Christmas markets in Europe too.


As you can see there are pros and cons for moving to the UK and there are many more not mentioned. Ultimately, I think the greatest reason for you to move to the UK though, is you will return home with a much broader view of the world, with more life experience and with a much greater self-awareness of who you are. All things no amount of money can buy. I hope this article helps you with your decision and I hope you do decide to move to the UK.

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